sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013
jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013
jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013
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jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013
jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013
domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013
sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013
sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013
Fotos de los EUA de hace más de un siglo
002 | 1862 | On the James River in Virginia . "Effect of Confederate shot on Federal ironclad Galena " | James F. Gibson
003 | 1864 | " James River , Virginia . Double-turreted monitor U.S.S. Onondaga, soldiers in rowboat"
004 | 1865 | " City Point , Virginia (vicinity). Medical supply boat Planter at General Hospital wharf on the Appomattox "
005 | 1890 | Florida . "Brown's Landing, Rice Creek"
006 | 1896 | U.S.S. New York . "Group of sailors" | Edward Hart
007 | 1897 | "Commodore H.M. Gillig's racing sloop Vencedor on Lake Erie " | John S. Johnston
008 | 1897 | "Berth deck cooks, U.S.S. Oregon" | Edward H. Hart
009 | 1897 | "U.S.S. Massachusetts, fire room" Tending the battleship's coal-fired boilers. | Edward H. Hart
010 | 1898 | "U.S.S. Oregon in dry dock, Brooklyn Navy Yard"
011 | 1899 | "Berth deck cooks aboard cruiser U.S.S. Brooklyn" | Edward H. Hart
012 | 1900 | "U.S. Battleship Texas, chief petty officers" | Edward H. Hart
013 | 1900 | Chicago . "12th Street Basc ule Bridge "
014 | 1900 | Charlevoix , Michigan . "Harbor entrance and light house"
015 | 1900 | "Car ferry 'Transport' entering slip, Detroit River "
016 | 1900 | Florida . "A landing on the Tomoka" | William Henry Jackson
017 | 1900 | "A bit of country life near Henryville , Pennsylvania — making soap"
018 | 1900 < /SPAN>| " Brooklyn Bridge , East River "
019 | 1900 | New Jersey circa. "Bergen Tunnel, east end"
020 | 1900 | Chicago . "A walk in Lincoln Park "
022 | 1900 | "U.S.S. Oregon quarterdeck" | Edward H. Hart
023 | 1900 | "U.S.S. Chicago. One of the crew"
024 | 1901 | Buffalo , New York . "Unloading ore from whaleback carrier"
025 | 1901 | "Hanging rock on the Susquehanna near Danville , Pennsylvania "
027 | 1901 | Detroit . "Excursion steamers Tashmoo and Idlewild at wharves"
028 | 1901 | Colorado . "Station and hotel, summit of Pike's Peak "
029 | 1902 | "A happy family"
030 | 1902 | Iowa . "Chicago & North Western Railway — steel viaduct over Des Moines River " | William Henry Jackson
031 | 1903 | New York . "Brooklyn Terminal at Brooklyn Bridge "
032 | 1903 | "S.S. Proteus. High water at New Orleans levee"
033 | 1903 | "Unloading bananas at New Orleans , Louisiana "
034 | 1904 | The Jersey Shore . "Steeplechase Pier and bathers, Atlantic City "
035 | 1904 | " Michigan Central Railroad. Oiling up before the start"
036 | 1904 | New York . "The Ponies, Coney Island "
037 | 1905 | St. Clair , Michigan . "Launch of steamer Frank J. Hecker"
038 | 1905 | St. Augustine , Florida . "They were on their honeymoon"
039 | 1905 | Coney Island , New York . "Surf bathing"
040 | 1905> | The New Jersey shore. "Boardwalk and beach, Asbury Park "
041 | 1905 | Cleveland , Ohio . " Cuyahoga River from the Viaduct"
042 | 1905 | Buffalo , New York . "Jack-Knife Bridge, City Ship Canal , foot of Michigan Street "
043 | 1905 | The Detroit River . "Transfer steamer Detroit in the ice"
044 | 1905 | Houghton , Michigan . "Loading copper on steamer Juniata "
045 | 1905 | Buffalo , Ne w York . "Looking up Main Street . Steamer North Land at Long Wharf "
046 | 1905 | "A winter morning"
047 | 1905 | Knoxville , Tennessee . " Gay Street looking north from Clinch Avenue "
048 | 1905 | Hot Springs , Arkansas . "Roadway through the pines"
049 | 1905 | Chicago . "The bridge, Lincoln Park "
050 | 1906 | " Mississippi River La nding"
051 | 1906 | Birmingham , Alabama . " Second Avenue looking east"
052 | 1906 | Gulfport , Mississippi . "Steamer loading resin"
053 | 1906 | Wequetonsing , Michigan . "The birches and the bay"
054 | 1906 | Circa. "Banana docks, New York "
055 | 1906 | "Railroad station, Magnolia, Massachusetts "
057 | 1907 | "The Brooklyn Bridge Promenade and Manhattan Terminal"
058 | 1907 | Chicago , Illinois . " Jackknife Bridge , Chicago River " | Hans Behm
059 | 1907 | Chicago , Illinois . " Jackknife Bridge , Chicago River " | Hans Behm
060 | 1907 | Sava nnah , Georgia . "The whole black family at the Hermitage"
061 | 1908 | New York . " Times Square " The old New York Times building, now encased in billboards, Hotel Astor and various theaters seen from Broadway.
062 | 1908 | Detroit . "Waders at Belle Isle Park "
063 | 1908 | Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania . "Nixon Theatre, Sixth Avenue & Cherry Alley"
064 | 1908 | "Suburban station, Petoskey , Michigan "
065 |
066 | 1908 | New York . " Cortlandt Street "
067 | 1908 | St. Paul , Minn. " Robert Street "
069 | 1909 | Apalachicola , Florida .
070 | < B>1909 | New York . "Crew of Peary arctic ship Roosevelt "
071 | 1909 | Hartford , Conn. "Newsgirls coming through the alley"
072 | 1909 | Philadelphia . "Valley Green, Fairmount Park "
073 | 1910 | Vicksburg , Mississippi . "Unloading cotton at the levee"
074 | 1910 | Memphis , Tennessee . "River packet Charles H. Organ landing at Mound City "
075 | 1910 | New York . "Pennsylvania Station, track level, showing stairway and elevators"
076 | 1910 | The Jersey Shore . "Steel Pier, Atlantic City "
077 | 1910 | New York . " Manhattan Bridge and East River from Brooklyn "
079 | 1910 | Salem , Massachusetts . " Boston and Maine Railroad depot, Riley Plaza "
080 | 1910 | Daytona Beach , Florida . " South Ridgewood Avenue "
081 | 1910 | "Bathing at West Palm Beach , Florida "
082 | 1910 | Chicago . "Around a bubbling cup, Lincoln Park "
083 | 1910 | The Jersey Shore . "On the beach at Atlantic City "
084 | 1911 | New York . "White Star liner S.S. Olympic guided by tugboats Kirkham and Admiral"
085 | 1911 | Washington , D.C. "Senorita Lenore Riviero with Antony Jannus in Rex Smith aeroplane"
086 | 1912 | Detroit , Michigan . "Daily river excursion steamers. Sidewheelers Tashmoo, Owana and City of Detroit III at White Star Line dock"
087 | 1912 | Toledo , Ohio . "White Star steamer Owana leaving for Detroit "
088 | 1912 | "Dime Savings Bank and Detroit City Hall "
089 | 1912 | Washington , D.C. "Government Printing Office — views" | Harris & Ewing Collection
090 | 1912 | "Neighborhood House kitchen" | Harris & Ewing Collection
091 | 1912 | "German port call. U.S. battleship in Hampton Roads to greet German s quadron" | Harris & Ewing Collection
09 2 | 1914 | Washington , D.C. "Post Office Department — parcel post"
093 | 1919 | Washington , D.C. " Alexandria shipyard views" | Harris & Ewing Collection
094 | 1920 | "Shad fishing on the Potomac "
095 | 1920 | Washington , D.C. "People's Drug Store No. 5, 804 8th Street N.E. "
096 | 1921 | Washington , D.C. "Junior high school Home Ec."
098 | 1922 | Washington , D.C. "Group winners at Tidal Basin bathing beach"
099 | 1922 | Washington , D.C. "Vista of Monument from Lincoln Memorial"
100 | 1924 | Washington , D.C. "Brownley interior"
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