jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Curiosa fotografía

Residents transport drought-stricken camels on donkey carts as they look for greener pastures in Mogadishu April 22. (Feisal Omar/Reuters)


In this handout photo released by Nasa Earth Observatory on June 7, 2011 and taken from Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory, sunspot complex 1226-1227, shows the Sun unleashing an M-2 (medium-sized) solar flare, an S1-class radiation storm and a coronal mass ejection resulting in a large cloud of particles mushrooming up and falling back down giving the impression of covering an area of almost half the solar surface. An unusual solar flare observed by a NASA space observatory on June 7 could cause some disruptions to satellite communications and power on Earth over the next day or so, officials said.

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Selección de 25 lemas del 15-M

1. "No somos antisistema, el sistema es anti-nosotros"

2. "Me sobra mes a final de sueldo"

3. "No hay pan para tanto chorizo"

4. "¿Dónde está la izquierda? al fondo, de la derecha".

5. "Si no nos dejáis soñar, no os dejaremos dormir".

6. "Se alquila esclavo económico"

7. "Se puede acampar para ver a Justin Bieber pero no para defender nuestros derechos"

8. "Error 404: Democracia not found"

9. "Error de sistema. Reinicie, por favor"

10. "Esto no es una cuestión de izquierda contra derechas, es de los de abajo contra los de arriba"

11. "Vivimos en un país donde licenciados están en paro, el presidente de nuestro gobierno no sabe inglés...y la oposición tampoco"

12. "Mis sueños no caben en tus urnas"

13. "Políticos: somos vuestros jefes y os estamos haciendo un ERE"

14. "Nos mean y dicen que llueve! "

15. "No falta el dinero. Sobran ladrones"

16. "¿Qué tal os va por España"?- Pues no nos podemos quejar. O sea, que bien ¿no?- no, que no nos podemos quejar."

17. "No es una crisis, es una estafa"

18. "No apagues la televisión... Podrías pensar"

19. "!!Tengo una carrera y como mortadela!!"

20. "Manos arriba, esto es un contrato"

21. "Ni cara A, ni cara B, queremos cambiar de disco"

22. "Rebeldes sin casa"

23. "Democracia, me gustas porque estás como ausente"

24. "Nosotros buscamos razones, ellos victorias"

25. "Cuando los de abajo se mueven, los de arriba se tambalean"

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Foto histórica

If you are young, you probably can not appreciate just how cool this first hand-held portable phone was. Prior to this phone, portable phones were carried around in a bag, and a small handset was connected to talk on. It was a huge big deal to get to the point that the entire phone could be held in your hand. This phone was expensive, and minutes were prohibitively expensive, and we will not even talk about roaming charges.

Billing is getting much simpler for most cell phone companies, but many people have on occasion not understood the rules and have gotten huge phone bills. A guy I worked with got his son a phone, and the company advertised "Free Games". The games were free, but the airtime to play was not free, and he got his first month's bill, and it was $2,700. Have you ever gotten a nasty surprise on a cell phone bill?